These functions allows checking a fit in terms of the original input data.

compute_margins(ml_problem, weights, verbose = FALSE)

margin_to_df(controls, count = NULL, verbose = FALSE)



A fitting problem created by ml_problem() or returned by flatten_ml_fit_problem().


A vector with one entry per row of the original reference sample


If TRUE, print diagnostic output.


Margins as returned by compute_margins or as passed to the controls parameter of ml_problem().


Name of control total column, autodetected by default.


compute_margins() returns a named list with two components, individual and group. Each contains a list of margins as data.frames.

margins_to_df() returns a data frame with the following columns:


Type of the control total: either individual or group.

Name of the control total, if exists.

Name of the control category.


Count of the control category.


compute_margins() computes margins in the format used for the input controls (i.e., as expected by the controls parameter of the ml_problem() function), based on a reference sample and a weight vector.

margins_to_df() converts margins to a data frame for easier comparison.

See also


path <- toy_example("Tiny")
problem <- readRDS(path)
fit <- ml_fit(ml_problem = problem, algorithm = "entropy_o")
margins <- compute_margins(problem, fit$weights)
#> $individual
#> $individual$IND
#>   WKSTAT   N
#> 1      1  91
#> 2      2  65
#> 3      3 104
#> $group
#> $group$GROUP
#>   CAR  N
#> 1   0 35
#> 2   1 65

#>   ..control.type.. ..count..
#> 1       individual              IND      1        91
#> 2       individual              IND      2        65
#> 3       individual              IND      3       104
#> 4            group            GROUP      0        35
#> 5            group            GROUP      1        65
#>   ..control.type.. ..count..
#> 1       individual              IND      1        91
#> 2       individual              IND      2        65
#> 3       individual              IND      3       104
#> 4            group            GROUP      0        35
#> 5            group            GROUP      1        65